NO LIMITATIONS: Richard’s journey through school and tech.

NO LIMITATIONS: Richard’s journey through school and tech.

In a world where the boundaries between professional and personal growth often blur, Richard stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. As a dedicated product designer at Accrue, he has seamlessly balanced the demands of his dynamic role with his pursuit of academic excellence. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Richard’s journey, exploring the challenges he has faced, the strategies he employs, and the inspiration that drives him to thrive without limitations. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind his success and learn how he continues to push the envelope in both his career and studies.

  1. Background and Role:
  • Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became interested in product design?

    When I was 15, I finished secondary school and considered learning fashion design to support my parents during my University days. Then, I met a graphic designer at a free summer camp where he volunteered to teach Computer Studies. He noticed my passion and attention to detail and asked me to join his graphic design training for free, even though I wanted to learn fashion design.

    After sleeping on it, I started the graphic design training the next day. As time passed, I became more confident and started working for different companies. 

    At one of the companies, the managers encouraged me to try product design. At first, I didn’t get it since I thought I could whip up the same UI designs using Adobe Photoshop or CorelDRAW. 

    After some research, I discovered that product design is more analytical and practical in solving real-world everyday problems for people. From a design point of view, it’s like taking full responsibility for a product’s success and people’s well-being. As a science student fascinated by the works of many inventors and scientists I learned about in school, I have always dreamed about inventing something in the future. Knowing I could feel like Thomas Edison or the Wright brothers with my designs changed my perspective on product design.
  • Did you always want to study computer science?

    Nope! I had a tough time getting into medical school, failing twice, but I never gave up. Instead, I focused on building my skills as a designer. It was tough because I was torn between pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor and my love for design. Ultimately, I decided to let go of my dream of being a doctor and chose to study computer science to support my design career. It was a tough choice, but I’m happy with where I am now.
  1. Balancing Work and Studies:
  • How did you manage to balance a demanding job at Accrue with your studies?

    Firstly, Product Design at Accrue or elsewhere ideally means you’re responsible for the look and feel of the product. This includes everything from the micro-interactions in the mobile app to the motion graphic reels on social media, all in a quest to provide people with a simplified yet delightful experience. So you’re correct; product design roles can be demanding.

    So, I opted for an Open Distance Learning mode of study with less frequent contact with lecturers or the school environment. I have been provided with the essential resources to succeed. This mode gives me the freedom to work while learning on my own. I dedicate the earlier part of the day to work and focus on studying after work.
  • What strategies or time management techniques did you use to ensure you excelled in both areas?

    To excel at work, I strive to be productive and efficient daily by working on the most critical tasks in their order of priority. This method puts me in a better state of mind to do my best work for the tasks ahead, and I can produce quality deliverables faster, so I have enough time to study before I unwind for the day.

    In addition, I ensure to ask questions when faced with blockers so the affected task doesn’t exceed the deadline. Finally, I recently started using automation and AI tools for monotonous tasks.
  1. Challenges and Overcoming Them:
  • What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while juggling work and school?

    EXAMSSSSS!!! Exams and test periods are always very challenging, and I think this is because I don’t have the luxury of interacting with lecturers in person to ask questions.
  • How did you overcome these challenges?

    I always ensure I’m transparent with my exam schedule at work by sharing a timetable at least two weeks before so we can plan tasks seamlessly in line with the schedule.
  1. Support System:
  • Did you have a support system in place? If so, who were the key people or resources that helped you succeed?

    Yes. I get insights from some of my computer science peers on school activities, especially when preparing for exams. I also have friends I’m accountable to for my performance at school. This reminds me to push my limits to succeed.
  • How did Accrue support your academic pursuits while you were working there?

    Accrue has been tremendously supportive in this regard. The friendly work environment and intelligent colleagues around me ensured that I could get genuine help when I needed it in navigating school and work activities. They are always happy to provide me with resources to boost my academic pursuits.
  1. Achievements and Milestones:
  • What are some of your proudest achievements in both your academic and professional life?

    So far, I’m proud of being able to fund my academics comfortably. I’ve also won a couple of awards as a designer and challenged myself to work on major projects, like building a robust website for a reputable football club in Nigeria.
  • Can you share a particular project at Accrue that you are especially proud of?


    Cashramp is one of the first projects I worked on when I joined Accrue. It has to be my favourite, considering how the idea transformed from simply helping our customers deposit their local currency into the app as dollars to becoming a payment rail facilitating seamless cross-border payments across Africa, which everyone loves.

    I also love that this transformation happened because we listened to our users, which embodies the process of building a great product.
  1. Lessons Learned:
  • What have you learned from balancing work and studies that you think will benefit you in your future career?

    Resilience, flexibility, and diligence.
  • How has your experience at Accrue shaped your approach to product design and problem-solving?

    I used to believe it was necessary to completely solve a problem or finish building a product before launching it for people to use as if product designers were magicians. However, after working at Accrue on products like Cashramp, I now think you don’t have to spend much time and resources building a solution in full. Instead, build the core features of your product and then take action based on your users’ feedback. You’re building for them, so it makes sense for them to be part of the process. It’s a win-win.
  1. Advice for Others:
  • What advice would you give to students who are trying to balance work and school?

    If, like me, you began your career before attending school, consider choosing a course related to it. Studying something you are already familiar with or practise regularly can make the process less tedious and go a long way toward setting you up for success.

    Otherwise, focus on developing your time management skills and don’t be afraid to get help when needed.
  • How can they stay motivated and avoid burnout?

    Do more impactful work, and don’t be greedy. This attitude will help you stay happy and motivate you to keep going. Depending on your employer’s agreement, you can take on personal projects or gigs outside the scope of your day job that challenges you to be better. However, I don’t recommend working multiple jobs.
  1. Future Aspirations:
  • What are your future career goals and aspirations?

    I want to mentor and inspire a design team, and I want to have a deep knowledge of front-end software development.
  • How do you plan to continue growing and evolving as a product designer?

    I am enrolling in product design courses, attending product design workshops, staying abreast of the newest design technologies, and conducting user research to deepen my understanding of users’ needs and behaviours.
  1. Personal Insights:
  • What do you do to stay creative and innovative in your designs generally?

    The left and right are Benchmarking and Iteration.

    I conduct benchmarking by studying the best solutions in a similar market, analyzing the pros and cons of each solution, and understanding the rationale behind each unique solution. Additionally, I test my designs with people who match the user persona I’m designing for to gather their feedback. I then iterate on the solutions I’ve created, seeking improvement.
  • How do you unwind when you’re overwhelmed with joggling the two roles?

    I play basketball or engage in any activity that gets my mind off work. Sometimes, I watch YouTube vlogs from designers I love.
  1. Closing Thoughts:
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey or any final thoughts for our readers?

    Brilliance is evenly distributed, but sadly, opportunity is not. Everyone has the potential to be great, but they might be limited in one way or another. Push beyond your limitations, and your brilliance will shine through!