Category: Popular

  • NO LIMITATIONS: Richard’s journey through school and tech.

    NO LIMITATIONS: Richard’s journey through school and tech.

    In a world where the boundaries between professional and personal growth often blur, Richard stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. As a dedicated product designer at Accrue, he has seamlessly balanced the demands of his dynamic role with his pursuit of academic excellence. In this exclusive interview, we delve into […]

  • How I Turned $100 into $2,000 with Cashramp

    How I Turned $100 into $2,000 with Cashramp

    In this article, Bravin share how his initial investment of $100 has grown to a capital of $2,000 solely through Cashramp transactions.

  • Discover your perfect Valentine’s Day gift

    Discover your perfect Valentine’s Day gift
  • 5 kinds of people that would definitely have a broke January

    5 kinds of people that would definitely have a broke January

    January is notorious for being a challenging month financially, especially after the festive season. Some individuals find themselves particularly vulnerable to financial strain as the bills pile up. The reasons behind a broke January often stem from habits, choices, and individual circumstances. Here are five kinds of people who would definitely have a broke January […]

  • How Ayo Built a 30,000$ Food Business as an Undergraduate.

    How Ayo Built a 30,000$ Food Business as an Undergraduate.

    Hey, How do you deal with the problems that you face in life? Do you avoid them or try to find solutions? This is the story of Ayo, an alumnus of Covenant University, who used innovation to solve a food distribution problem at his time as an undergraduate. He identified a crucial issue and tackled […]

  • 5 Affordable & Thoughtful Gifts to Get Loved Ones This December

    5 Affordable & Thoughtful Gifts to Get Loved Ones This December

    In the eloquent words of Shakespeare, “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.” The Bard’s timeless wisdom extols the virtues of giving and loving, encouraging us to express our affections through thoughtful gestures. As the festive […]

  • 3 ways to ensure you have a Detty December without having a Broke January

    3 ways to ensure you have a Detty December without having a Broke January

    A wise man once said, “The poorer you are, the longer your days”.  Little wonder January is the longest month of every year. Thirty-one days of God abeg, but if you look closer, you would realize that the misery began in December. Yes, the detty December that always does you dirty.  You know the drill. […]

  • Meet Deborah– a Cashramp agent who makes ~$300 monthly.

    Meet Deborah– a Cashramp agent who makes ~$300 monthly.

    It’s incredible how one simple decision can become a tipping point. For Deborah and her husband—a Cashramp couple—becoming Cashramp agents was a simple decision that has helped improve their finances. Join us as we interview Deborah about her experience as a Cashramp agent. How did you come to know about Accrue and Cashramp?  I remember […]

  • 5 Money Habits You Must Break Before the End of 2023

    5 Money Habits You Must Break Before the End of 2023

    Money habits are the patterns of behaviour that influence how we manage our finances. Some money habits are beneficial, such as saving, investing, and budgeting. However, some money habits are detrimental, such as overspending, accumulating debt, and ignoring financial goals. If you want to improve your financial situation and achieve your dreams, you must break […]

  • Becoming an Entrepreneur in 2023

    Becoming an Entrepreneur in 2023

    Starting and growing a business is a dream for many people who want to pursue their passion, create value, and achieve financial independence. However, this entrepreneurial journey is far from easy, laden with challenges that require careful planning, continuous learning, adaptability, and resilience. If you’ve been harbouring the aspiration to become an entrepreneur, this article […]